Monday, April 11, 2011


April. The word is like a bit of sugar poured onto my tongue. April means sunshine. Well . . . at least where I am from. Here it means Conference, the last days of finals, and Easter. It means that life will get even more hectic before the semester comes to a close. April so far has been a mix of reluctant sunshine and wintery overtones. It was beautiful and warm for conference weekend. That was the weekend where I finally wore flip flops, turned down the thermostat, and napped in the sun. However, Sunday turned freezing and I ended up having an adventure getting stranded due to the freshly-landed snow.

Our adventure started out innocent enough. We were three girls going for a walk in between conference sessions. The snow had finally stopped and the sun spread its welcoming rays over Provo. We talked and laughed as our shoes crunched over the snow. Light snow starting falling on mile three and before long, the small flakes had becoming a billowing snow storm. We took shelter, called what seemed like a million people, and finally found a knight in shining Cadillac to come pick us up. We made it home just in time for conference, sopping wet, but with laughing eyes and smiles as we reported our misadventure to the roommates.

I'm starting to think that all April weather is like this: it can do a complete 180 in seconds. After five days of snow, rain, and sleet all muddled together, the sun finally came out again, but who knows how long it will last? All I can hope for is that the weather can finally admit to itself that it really is spring, that snow should be a thing of the past, and that sleet never should have made an appearance in April. Once that happens, I'll finally be able to stretch out in the sun and eat a delicious picnic with fresh basil and crumbled feta cheese.