Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July Storms

I haven't spent a July in Provo for two years. It's odd to be back. Some things really don't change. Stadium of Fire still has an amazing fireworks show. The Daily Squeeze still texts me daily deals. July weather is as stormy as ever. The rain is slipping down the sky onto the cars, the rooftops, and every other object in its path. Walking home tonight, the lightening kept on flashing and, for one of the only times in my life, I was afraid of the forked tongues that kept moving ever closer.

Drama and fragile self-confidence are my companions on this stormy night. I hadn't purposefully invited them over, but they just stopped by, and, knowing my "I can't say no" attitude, I let them in. What I thought would be a brief visit has turned into a longer stay than I would have wished. With companions like these, its been a rough couple of days.

Even with such dreary companions, I still feel rays of sunshine in between the clouds. Thank goodness for family. Without my mom here, it would have been so hard to cope with my unwelcome visitors. But, my mom can do anything, even making me feel better, when everything is going wrong. My mom has been helping me find the rays of sunshine that stream down in between the clouds. Those rays are a reminder of home and that I truly am loved by God. I am so blessed with family who love me. I am so incredibly grateful for the strength and love that comes with being sealed as a family for all eternity. What a true blessing it is. So, even though July might be stormy, this California girl is focusing on the sun.

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